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This month’s Bio is Kev Penny, our Technical Director.

  1. What is your name, age, place of birth, job role and length of service at Matrix IT?

Kev Penny, 39, Winchester, Technical Director, 12 years.

  1. If you could do one thing in life what would that be?

Eradicate hatred – I really do think that the world would be so much better if we could all get along despite our differences.

  1. What are your hobbies and passions?

I love all of the arts, but music is what makes me tick (despite not being able to play a single note of any instrument) – I don’t limit myself to specific genres, the only requirement is that the music is excellent. I’m also a lifelong Pompey fan and have more recently become a fan of the New York Giants NFL team.

  1. How would you describe yourself?

The man with the best shoes at Matrix IT.

  1. Do you have any pets and children?

Two children – Sophie (7), and Teddy (3).

Two pets – Timmy (a tortoise, ~ 60 years), and JoJo (a hamster, ~ 1 month).

  1. What is your favourite possession?

My music collection.

  1. What is your favourite quote?

‘Nothing sounds quite like an 808’ – Michael “Mike D” Diamond, Adam “MCA” Yauch (RIP), and Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz – aka Beastie Boys.

  1. What motivates or inspires you?

My family, and my desire to keep learning.

  1. What are your goals for the future?

To raise my children to be the best they can be, and, once they’ve flown the nest, to travel the world as much as possible.

  1. What do you love most about your job?

In this job, every day really is a school day, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  1. Describe your biggest achievement to date

Marrying my first love, and working my way up from the bottom rung to become a director at Matrix. Oh, and I’m pretty proud of the 5000m swimming badge I got as a kid.

  1. Who is your idol, mentor or someone that inspires you?

King Buzzo and Dale Crover of The Melvins – they’ve been successful enough to make a steady income from doing what they love for over 30 years whilst keeping a low enough profile to avoid the pitfalls of fame, and they’ve never stopped changing their sound.

  1. Why Matrix?

Matrix took a chance on me with limited experience 12 years ago and instantly made me feel like I belonged, they’ve been an integral part of me becoming the person I am today as much as I’ve been a part of the successful company we’ve become – hopefully I can play my part in making our staff feel the same way.

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