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IT Security Audits are designed to provide a comprehensive review, analysis and risk assessment of your business’s IT infrastructure. It also helps organisations ensure the safety, integrity, and compliance of their systems and data. Here’s why conducting an IT Security Audit is crucial.

Vulnerability Assessments

A Vulnerability Assessment is a fundamental process within IT Security Audits, designed to systematically uncover, evaluate, and rank security weaknesses present within an organisation’s IT ecosystem. This assessment aims to provide a clear understanding of potential flaws in various components, including systems, networks, applications, and infrastructure, that could be exploited by malicious actors to gain unauthorised access, disrupt operations, or compromise sensitive data.

Once identified, vulnerabilities are classified based on their nature, severity, and the potential damage they could cause. This classification allows security teams to prioritise which vulnerabilities need to be addressed first. High-priority vulnerabilities are those that present the greatest risk to the organisation’s critical assets or operations, while lower-priority vulnerabilities might pose minimal risk or affect non-essential systems. Prioritisation helps organisations focus their efforts on remediating the most pressing security gaps, thereby reducing the overall attack surface and minimising potential damage.

IT Compliance Checks

IT Compliance Checks are a critical aspect of an IT Security Audit, designed to ensure that an organisation’s IT infrastructure, systems, policies, and operational practices are aligned with the relevant legal, regulatory, and internal standards. The primary objective of these checks is to assess whether the organisation is following the required security guidelines, laws, industry-specific regulations, and best practices that help safeguard sensitive data, manage cyber risks, and avoid legal or financial penalties.

In today’s regulatory environment, organisations are subject to a growing number of compliance mandates, which can vary depending on the industry, geographic location, and the type of data handled. Compliance checks help to verify whether the organisation’s IT environment meets these mandates, ensuring that they have the necessary controls in place to protect data from breaches, unauthorised access, or misuse.

Security Framework Evaluation

Security Framework Evaluation in an IT Security Audit refers to the process of assessing and measuring an organisation’s existing security controls, policies, and procedures against established industry standards or frameworks. This evaluation is crucial in determining whether the organisation’s security practices align with best practices, regulatory requirements, and the necessary protections to defend against Cyber Security threats.

A Security Framework provides a structured, systematic approach to managing and improving an organisation’s security posture. The evaluation assesses how well the organisation adheres to these frameworks and identifies gaps or areas for improvement.

Internal Security Reviews

Internal Security Reviews, as part of an IT Security Audit, involve a comprehensive and structured examination of an organisation’s internal security controls, procedures, and policies to ensure they are functioning effectively and meeting the organisation’s security objectives. These reviews focus on evaluating the measures in place to protect critical assets, such as data, systems, applications, and networks, from a wide range of threats, including cyberattacks, insider threats, and operational risks.

Unlike external audits, which are typically conducted by third-party specialists or consultants, Internal Security Reviews are usually carried out by the organisation’s own security or IT teams, or by internal auditors. These in-house teams have an in-depth understanding of the organisation’s specific operations, culture, and challenges, allowing them to assess security practices in the context of day-to-day activities and the unique risk landscape the organisation faces.

External Audit Support

External Audit Support in the context of an IT Security Audit involves the collaboration between an organisation’s internal IT or security teams and external auditors or third-party consultants. These external auditors are responsible for conducting an independent, objective review of the organisation’s security measures, controls, and overall compliance with regulatory frameworks, industry standards, and internal policies. The role of the internal teams is to provide the necessary assistance, resources, and information to facilitate the audit process and ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently.

The primary purpose of external audits is to offer an unbiased assessment of the organisation’s Cyber Security posture. Unlike internal audits, external audits provide a fresh perspective and are typically required to meet regulatory mandates or demonstrate compliance with specific standards, such as ISO 27001, GDPR, or PCI DSS. The insights gained from external audits help organisations identify potential gaps in their security framework and improve their defences.

What can Matrix do for you?

Matrix can offer tailored security audits that reports on where you might be vulnerable and what options are available to you to address these. We offer the below services that can form part of your Security Audit:

  • Operating system review – are your systems running a supported and up-to-date operating system?
  • Internal/External vulnerability scan – are systems and software fully patched against known vulnerabilities?
  • Malware protection tests – is suspicious email blocked and does your malware protection stop malicious software downloading or running?
  • Microsoft 365 Tenant Security review – are you implementing best practices?
  • Remote working and BYOD – are you fully informed on your remote working practices?
  • Boundary firewall review – is it up to date, supported and configured securely?
  • Administrative account review
  • Data access audits
  • Phishing tests
  • Dark web scans
  • Internal/External penetration testing
  • PCI DSS compliance

If you would like more information about our tailored Security Audits, then contact us today via email or call us on 01329 888444.

Matrix Business IT | Company number: 10099930