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Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details often for malicious reasons. This is usually by disguising as a trustworthy entity or organisation in an email. Smishing is very similar. This is the attempt to obtain information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details often for malicious…

What is Making Tax Digital? Making Tax Digital for Business is a key part of the government’s plans, with MTD coming into effect in April 2019. This means submitting manually is no longer an option – meaning the end of the annual tax return for millions. From April next year onwards, the ability to file…

Here at Matrix IT, we are dedicated to helping you think through the process of moving applications from traditional data centres to modern cloud providers. The Cloud is one area where we can make a real difference. We will guide you through the decision-making process to ascertain whether, or not, the Cloud is right for…

Choosing to outsource IT support can be beneficial to any sized business, as long as you choose the right company. This allows you to focus on running your business in day-to-day circumstances without worrying about the IT and at Matrix, we will sort and maintain the IT part for you. What benefits will this bring…

Working remotely is easier than ever before. The Cloud is now part of our everyday lives at work and at home. It is becoming a popular solution as bandwidth and internet connections become quicker and more stable proving very beneficial to many business’. However, there are still risks of working remotely that you still need…

IPhones are currently the safest smartphone on the planet and Apple are notoriously known to be hard to hack. However, there are still a few tips you can follow to make sure it stays that way and you stay free of hackers on your handset. Update your IPhone – Updating your IPhone software consistently is the…

Cryptojacking is the use of your computer by a cybercriminal to mine cryptocurrency without you being aware. Cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, is very valuable and can be mined using the victims process power, without even noticing. This usually occurs when a website runs hidden cryptocurrency mining scripts in the browser of the victim. Why do…

Macs are notoriously known for being virus-free and are immune from hackers. It is one of Apple’s main unique selling points and the firm tend to have the reputation of being ‘un-hackable’. However, as previous years and current times have shown, this is certainly untrue. In comparison to other PC’s – Macs are certainly more…

Backing up your company data is more important than ever before. With the new GDPR compliance law now in place and the rise of cyber criminals, there is more focus on your data and where it is stored. Losing this data can be fatal for a business, therefore backing this data up is integral to…

We’re Forever Hearing In The News About Fake Email Scams That Have Been Sent Looking Like They Are From Large Companies, Whereas Realistically It Is A Cyber-Criminal Behind A Computer Screen Impersonating Them. Fake scam emails are usually sent by cybercriminals where they try and get you to hand over personal information, click a link…

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