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Businesses are no longer sitting on their hands when deciding to move applications and data to the cloud. They are doing it; however, security continues to be a major concern. For us to minimize the risk of security threats, we would first need to identify the top security threats that we are faced with. These…

GDPR is coming and is relative to every business, but is yours prepared? Ask yourself these questions: – Does your company understand the importance of GDPR? GDPR can cost you a hefty amount in fines along with bad publicity and legal action. – Do you know where your data is? GDPR covers all current data…

Backing-up data may seem like a time consuming process but is certainly something that business’ should take seriously. If your business suffers from data loss and the data is unrecoverable, then you have peace of mind knowing it is backed up elsewhere. However, not following this process can lead to costly consequences, leaving your business…

Backing up your data is critical for any business. Would your business be able to continue running if it suffered a loss of data? Downtime and data loss can have a substantial cost to your business both financially and to your reputation, highlighting the importance of your business being prepared for such catastrophe. It is…

BYOD stands for brings your own device. This is the practice of allowing the employees of your business to use their own computers, smartphones or other devices for work purposes. Allowing BYOD in the workplace can bring advantages: – Brings familiarity. Employees will know there way round their own phones which in turn can provide…

A firewall is a piece of software or hardware that helps to screen out cyber criminals, hackers, malware and viruses that are trying to reach your computer via the internet. It is a network security device that manages and controls both incoming and outgoing network traffic, deciding whether to allow or block specific traffic based…

Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details often for malicious reasons. Although this is usually done by cyber-criminals via email, it is now starting to occur on LinkedIn as well. A recent attack on the social media platform shows cyber-criminals have been using existing LinkedIn user…

Come the 31st October 2017, Outlook 2007 will no longer connect to Office 365. This means if your business is using Office 365 and you access your emails via Outlook 2007, you will lose access to your emails via Outlook from the end of October onwards. Although these can still be accessed through an internet…

Working remotely is easier than ever before. The Cloud is now part of our everyday lives at work and at home. It is becoming a popular solution as bandwidth and internet connections become quicker and more stable proving very beneficial to many business’. However, there are still risks of working remotely that you still need…

If you use the built-in Mail app on your iPhone or iPad and use Office365, Outlook.com or Exchange 2016 for email, you may want to hold off installing the new iOS 11 update, or purchasing one of the newly launched iPhone 8 and iPhone X as it’s not currently supported and has a number of…

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