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The team at Fareham-based Matrix IT put on their most fabulous headwear to raise money for brain tumour research. Led by the IT managed service provider’s wellbeing team, Matrix IT’s staff were taking part in ‘Wear a Hat Day’, the UK’s biggest brain tumour research fundraising event.

The eight-strong Wellbeing Team comprises Mental Health First Aider Charli Strickland and Jacob Old, Event and Social Coordinators Ellis Batchelor and Mia Dawson, and General Internal Support workers Tony Easter, Maciej Marcinkowski, Harvey Aston, and Jack Page. Their mission is to not only foster a nurturing work atmosphere but also extend these principles beyond the workplace.

“In today’s fast-paced corporate environment it is so important to look after the wellbeing of your team,” said Ellis.

“That’s why we strive to lend a guiding hand through the complexities of professional life through our Wellbeing Team.  Matrix wellbeing champions are the people that you can talk to, give your suggestions to, and ask for any advice.

Events such as ‘Wear a Hat Day’ are crucial in workplace wellbeing, not just as a break from the norm but also as a powerful charity initiative that unites the team for a common cause.

The event serves as an important reminder that behind every role and responsibility, there’s a shared human experience that connects us all, and as a company, we are keen to promote a culture full of empathy, inclusion, and togetherness.”

Charli said:

“With nearly 15% of people in the workplace managing a mental health challenge at any one time and 82% of UK employees in tech reporting that they are feeling close to burnout, it is so important to support each other and make sure that people know they can get the support they need.

As a Mental Health First Aider, I am always on the lookout for ways to support my team and people around the company. Sometimes just a quick chat and asking how someone really is can make a big difference.

It is essential to raise awareness and get people talking more about how they are feeling and their own experiences. Reducing the shame and stigma that people can feel can make the difference between someone getting support and suffering alone.”

With no day the same as the last, the Wellbeing Team are constantly on hand for any employee at Matrix IT to get in touch for a chat However, it isn’t just a friendly ear they offer.

“My role varies from day to day and I really enjoy supporting my colleagues in navigating their day more smoothly,” Jack said.

However, we have a big focus on team building too, helping our colleagues feel supported and listened to. I’ve recently organised a night out, which is always great in boosting team spirit and strengthening camaraderie.”

Tony added:

“On a typical day, I am on hand to offer internal support; anyone in the office who has any issues or any questions can come and speak to me.

However, I’ve also organised a Matrix football team to compete in a local Fareham football league, with currently 10 Matrix staff involved. The team forms such a huge part of our workplace culture.

It not only improves our team-building skills but we have a lot of fun in the process, often getting customers and our families involved too.”

As for the future, the team have firmly set their sights on introducing more initiatives while flying the Matrix IT flag.

Charli said:

“We have a continuous improvement strategy where we all share ideas and collaborate to improve morale among the team, and are always planning more events, more awareness, more acceptance and mental health challenges. We can’t wait to share what we have planned!”

The Wellbeing Team at Matrix IT have offered guidance on how organisations can enhance the wellbeing culture in the workplace:

  • Charli Strickland: “Listen to your own team and treat people as individuals; not everyone needs the same to enhance their wellbeing!”
  • Jack Page: “Treat people like people, don’t expect too much, and let people know if you are needed, they only need to approach you and you will make time for them.”
  • Tony Easter: “Always let them know you are open for a chat, let them know you will never judge and always check in with your employees.”
  • Jacob Old: “It is extremely important to have these roles implemented into the workplace. It shows everyone that they have someone to approach who will not judge and act in a non-bias manner.”
  • Mia Dawson: Looking after yourself isn’t selfish, it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.”
Matrix Business IT | Company number: 10099930