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Setting up a secure password is essential to all members of an organisation since just one strong password can mean all the difference to the security of that organisation. Strong Passwords When setting up passwords, most people have the habit of re-using weak passwords because they’re easy to remember, but this isn’t the most secure…

What is Phishing? Phishing is when cyber-criminals attempt to trick people into clicking a link to a malicious website. Using scam emails, messages, and/or phone calls. The aim is to send millions of unknowing victims to websites that are designed to download viruses, that are disguised as safe links or attachments, onto their device. Cyber-criminals…

Some believe that if they live a normal enough life cyber-crime can’t affect them, but the truth is it can happen to anyone and once a cyber-crime has occurred it can be hard to recover. The nature of internet scams can change over time, so it’s essential to stay informed about current threats. Below are…

Using a Password Manager is an effective strategy to improve your online security, simplify password management, and reduce the risk of security breaches. By adopting a password manager, you can enjoy enhanced protection, whilst maintaining convenience and efficiency in your daily online activities. We’ve created this blog for you to discover all the great reasons…

By having Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), a company’s security will be improved immensely and with the added layer of verification, it will deter the risk of a successful cyber-attack. Implementing the use of MFA means that business can conduct their work without the constant worry of cyber criminals hacking their software. Today’s world is far more…

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a method of authentication where a user is required to provide multiple factors of verification when trying to access one of their online accounts. MFA has proven to be a very useful tool to have implemented in a business as that added layer of security helps prevent most cyber-attacks. Technology is…

As more and more companies shift to remote work, it’s essential to ensure that your IT infrastructure is secure. Businesses, and specifically IT departments, are often challenged by the security measures required to maintain security through remote working. The compromise between flexibility, business agility, and security has never been so apparent. The decentralised nature of…

The password ‘123456’ has been found 23 million times in the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Have I Been Pwned password campaign in collaboration with Troy Hunt. The NCSC campaign displays 100,000 most commonly re-used passwords that have been accessed by third parties in global cyber breaches. If you see a password in this Global password risk list…

Last year we spoke a lot about how to protect your business IT systems, as growth in home working due to the Covid-19 pandemic had caused an increase in cyber attacks. Now, as 2021 starts to take shape, it is clear that the pandemic is going nowhere, and thus the risks to your business data…

What is Two Factor Authentication?  Remember when logging into something was as easy as pasting in your username and password? So do we, but let’s not be fooled into thinking those were the good old days.  Accessing any account that contains any personal or business data, needs to be protected by more than just a…

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