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Cyber threats are continually evolving, becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. As a result, businesses and individuals alike must be proactive in defending their data and systems from malicious actors. One of the most effective tools in this defensive arsenal is the firewall. What is a Firewall? A firewall is a shield that protects…

Using a Password Manager is an effective strategy to improve your online security, simplify password management, and reduce the risk of security breaches. By adopting a password manager, you can enjoy enhanced protection, whilst maintaining convenience and efficiency in your daily online activities. We’ve created this blog for you to discover all the great reasons…

Microsoft Teams and Zoom are two of the most popular collaboration and communication platforms used by businesses, educational institutions, and individuals around the world. The choice between Teams and Zoom depends on individual or organisational needs, preferences, and existing technology infrastructure. It’s recommended to evaluate both platforms and consider the specific requirements before making a…

As more and more companies shift to remote work, it’s essential to ensure that your IT infrastructure is secure. Businesses, and specifically IT departments, are often challenged by the security measures required to maintain security through remote working. The compromise between flexibility, business agility, and security has never been so apparent. The decentralised nature of…

Working from home has become increasingly popular since the pandemic and businesses are adjusting themselves to let more colleagues work from home if their role doesn’t necessarily require them to be in the office full time. A lot of colleagues think that working from home is easier and that may be true to some degree,…

Working remotely is easier than ever before. The Cloud is now part of our everyday lives at work and at home. It is becoming a popular solution as bandwidth and internet connections become quicker and more stable proving very beneficial to many business’. However, there are still risks of working remotely that you still need…

Matrix Business IT | Company number: 10099930