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Windows Server 2012 will reach its End of Life (EOL) on 10th October 2023. This means that Microsoft will officially discontinue support and updates for this operating system version. After this date, these products will no longer receive security updates, non-security updates, bug fixes, technical support, or online technical content updates.

Running an unsupported operating system can pose potential security risks and may lead to compliance issues for businesses and organisations.

What does EOL mean and what is the impact?

The End of Life (EOL) for Windows Server 2012 has several implications for organisations and individuals who are still using this operating system version, including:

Security Risks: The most significant concern is that Microsoft will no longer release security updates or patches for Windows Server 2012 after its EOL date. This means that any vulnerabilities or security flaws discovered in the operating system will not be fixed, leaving your server infrastructure susceptible to malware, cyberattacks, and other security threats.

Compliance Issues: Many industries and regulatory bodies require organisations to run supported and up-to-date software to maintain compliance. Continuing to use an unsupported operating system like Windows Server 2012 may result in compliance violations and potential legal or financial consequences.

Lack of Technical Support: Microsoft will no longer provide technical support or assistance for Windows Server 2012. If you encounter any issues or problems with your server, you won’t be able to rely on Microsoft for help, which could lead to extended downtime and increased IT costs.

Compatibility Challenges: As new hardware and software technologies are developed; they may not be compatible with Windows Server 2012. This can limit your ability to adopt new technology solutions and may require workarounds or additional expenses to maintain compatibility.

Reduced Performance and Reliability: Over time, an unsupported operating system is likely to experience decreasing performance and reliability as issues go unaddressed. This can impact your business operations and productivity.

New Server infrastructure options

It’s important for businesses that are still using Windows Server 2012 to review their options, to ensure that their server infrastructure remains secure and supported by Microsoft.

Matrix IT are currently working with their customers to support them with this infrastructure change and are finding the 3 most popular options to be:

  1. Like-for-like on-premise server replacement with an operating system upgrade to Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2022
  2. Migration to a cloud virtual desktop solution
  3. Migration to Office 365 services and SharePoint

How Matrix IT can help?

Matrix IT are aware that all businesses are unique and what works for one, may not work for others and therefore we work with you to really understand your business, its infrastructure, and the best solution for you.

If you would like to discuss Windows Server 2012 EOL and how Matrix can support you with a new Operating System to ensure your cyber security isn’t exploited, don’t hesitate to contact us by email or call us on 01329 888444 today.

Matrix Business IT | Company number: 10099930