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Finding an IT provider you are confident in and that can meet your changing needs can be a tricky task, and even when you have found the right IT provider, it doesn’t mean they will be right for you a few years down the line. If you’re finding response times have slowed, or the level of support you are receiving doesn’t really reflect how your business has grown, it might be time to switch IT providers. To ensure you are ready to make a change, we’ve outlined the 5 signs below that show you are ready to enlist a new IT support company.

You’ve outgrown your IT provider

When you first outsourced your IT support, your organisation was probably smaller, with fewer team members, and a small IT support company or single dedicated IT technician may have been just what you needed at the time.

Over the years, your business has grown, which means you have bigger teams to support and you rely more heavily on your IT infrastructure. Your IT provider may be struggling to catch up and meet your requirements, so you may be better off outsourcing to a new, larger IT support company that can offer expertise in the various areas.

Your IT provider isn’t being proactive

Whilst you want your IT support company to be reactive, and respond to your support tickets in a timely manner, you should also expect them to be proactive – identifying and dealing with potential problems before they escalate into major issues. Proactive IT support is something you should expect at the bare minimum from your IT provider and this will include maintenance such as applying security patches and updates, 24/7 monitoring, fault diagnosis and auto fixing of issues.

You experience the same issues over and over again

One of the main reasons for outsourcing your IT support is because you don’t have the expertise in-house to deal with it and believe that an IT provider has the experience to manage and deal with any IT issues so that your day-to-day operations are not disrupted. If you find yourself constantly logging support tickets for the same issues, it probably means your provider isn’t getting to the root of the issue to provide a long-term fix – either that or they just don’t have the expertise to manage that particular issue. Whatever the reason, experiencing the same issues over and over again could be time-consuming, costly and frustrating.

They don’t understand your industry

A good IT partner should have a good overall knowledge and experience base and be able to offer support across all industries, however, some will have more experience in certain industries than others. This is important when choosing, or moving away from an IT support provider, as there is increasing growth in industry-specific systems and technologies and if you are in an industry that has quite bespoke requirements, you will need an IT partner who understands how your industry works, what your needs are and appreciates the challenges you may face.  Click here to view our case studies and find out more about the different industries we’ve worked with.

You want to try new technologies and you’re not confident they can support you

Whether it’s moving to the cloud, deploying virtual desktops or upgrading your in-house IT infrastructure, if your business wants to try new technologies you’ll want to ensure your IT provider is knowledgeable about the processes involved and happy to get stuck in with the work. If they keep coming up with excuses or trying to put you off, it’s probable they either lack the capacity or experience to get the job done.

If any of the above scenarios sound familiar, then it might be time for your business to switch IT, providers. At Matrix IT we strive to make IT effortless for you, helping your business to grow and succeed by providing the necessary support and technologies when you need them. Switching to us couldn’t be easier, simply tell us what you are looking for and we’ll explain how we can help. Click here to get in touch with our IT experts and find out what a positive difference we can make to your organisation.

Matrix Business IT | Company number: 10099930