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One click is all they need. Are you going to get caught out in the lead up to Christmas?

In the lead up to Christmas, we inevitably become busier, fitting Christmas shopping in and around our day to day work (or instead of work!). Things get missed, slip through the net and this is what your average hacker wants.

Most people will see an increase in emails received, Black Friday deals, 20% off before next week. But what about the phishing emails, the ones that you hand over your personal information and potentially compromise both yourself and your IT systems?

The answer is straightforward, much as Matrix would love to sell you our state-of-the-art monitoring and prevention tools we would like to educate with some sensible and, in most cases, foolproof advice.
Be vigilant – Amazon, PayPal, HSBC, DHL, TNT, HMRC, eBay, Facebook are the likely scam emails.

Ask yourself:
1. Are you awaiting receipt of a parcel from DHL, TNT or other, or are even subscribed to the email received?
2. Never EVER click on a link (the blue underlined text). Major companies will ask you to login to your account on their site and will rarely provide a link to do so.

For example, you receive an email for a tax refund:
• Note it is not addressed to you (valued driver) If you re-read the statement it doesn’t make sense
• When will HMRC contact you for a refund?
• Finally, the link will take you to their site and collect your details. Instead merely open a web browser go to the PayPal website and log in.

3. If you receive emails with document or attachment links hover your mouse over them – do they resemble what you have been sent? Again, it is easy to send an embedded link that takes you off to malicious sites.
We hope that this information is enough to prevent you from data fraud and loss, remember: think twice, click once.

At Matrix, we act as your ‘outsourced IT department’, providing help to businesses in Portsmouth, Fareham, Southampton and across the Hampshire region. To find out on how we can help your online safety & email protection, please contact a member of our team on 01329 888444 or Click here to email us

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Matrix Business IT | Company number: 10099930