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Do you regularly back up your data? We hope so, because there are some nasty viruses out there, finding new and innovative ways to encrypt your data. If you don’t back up your data then a vicious virus may put a halt to your business.

CryptoLocker was, and still is, a ransomware Trojan. It targets computers running Microsoft Windows and infiltrates itself via infected email attachments or existing botnet. As soon as it is in, it works its way through your documents encrypting files so that you will be unable to open them.

Can CryptoLocker be removed?

What about my encrypted files?
This is altogether trickier. When you try to open your files, a message will appear asking you to pay via Bitcoin or a pre-paid cash voucher by a stated deadline. It threatens to delete the private key (that is the only way to decrypt your files) if the deadline and payment requests are not met. Some companies pay the ransom, others did not and are unable to access their files.

What has happened since last year?
CryptoLocker has been isolated and some security companies involved in this process manage to access the private keys and set up an online tool for recovering files without paying the ransom.

How much money was extorted?
It is estimated that the group behind CryptoLocker have extorted around $3 million from their victims.

Are there other ‘nasties’ out there?
Yes! CryptoLocker may have been isolated and a way found to decrypt files for free, but CryptoWall and CryptoVirus are both alive and kicking and cutting a swathe through computers the world over.

If you want more information about CryptoLocker or the viruses that are attacking computers or want our help to install anti-virus software so you can keep your company safe, please contact us via email or phone at 01329 888444.

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