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We’re Forever Hearing In The News About Fake Email Scams That Have Been Sent Looking Like They Are From Large Companies, Whereas Realistically It Is A Cyber-Criminal Behind A Computer Screen Impersonating Them.

Fake scam emails are usually sent by cybercriminals where they try and get you to hand over personal information, click a link or download an attachment. The chances are you have probably encountered these at least once before. Although work is being done to reduce the number of phishing emails that are sent – it is still a massive problem for most firms.

Here are some of the things you can look out for to help you stay scam-free:

  • How personalised is the greeting? Most hackers tend to send an email broadly to people so the chances are it won’t be addressed to just you.
  • Check the branding. If the hacker is impersonating a company, the chances are the logos or email address the email was sent from will look a bit distorted/dodgy.
  • Are they asking for personal or bank details? Most companies, as a general policy, will never ask you to make a payment over an email.
  • Avoid opening links and attachments. If you suspect an email might be a bit dodgy, do not click on any links or download any attachments as this will likely install viruses.
  • If there are any mistakes in the email, it is likely it is a scam. Most organisations will send out emails without mistakes as they proof read the copy.

For more information on Phishing and Scam Emails, please contact us via email or phone at 01329 888444.

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