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Cloud Computing grows as more businesses work from home. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a major shift in the way we do business.  Throughout the UK, as well as globally, there has been an increased uptake in online services as businesses move into the cloud.  Like it or not, cloud computing is the future, and the best way to facilitate business continuity when organisations have staff working from home.  

So, whether your business has adopted cloud technology, or is looking to take this step very soon, here we explain how the pandemic has fuelled the growth in cloud computing, why your business needs this technology and how we can help you implement it. 

According to global sales data, IT infrastructure products for cloud environments exceeded those of non-cloud infrastructure for the first time ever in recent months. This suggests that there has been a worldwide shift to cloud computing, fuelled by the Covid-19 pandemic and the switch to home working.  

Not only has cloud computing outpaced non-cloud technologies, but it is predicted to grow even further as businesses across all industries realise that it is possible to be as productive with employees working from home as in an office environment.  Whether businesses return fully to an office environment when it is safe and feasible to do so, or remain with some element of home working, it is likely that workforces will demand the same cloud computing technology they have grown accustomed to during lockdown.  So in either scenario, cloud is the way forward. 

Why your business needs Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing is a term used to describe the various online services such as data storage and functional programs that are available for businesses to use.  These include infrastructure such as Microsoft Azure and Software as a Service (SaaS) applications including Microsoft Office 365. 

There are many reasons why a move to cloud technologies such as these makes sense, particularly if you have some teams working remotely. For example, consider that: 

  • Cloud solutions can handle multiple business tasks including hosting, functional programs and file storage 
  • Data is extremely accessible – for those working from home or business premises 
  • Data is automatically synced between devices, so even if more than one person is working on the same file, the latest version will always be available 
  • Cloud computing facilitates easy back up – so if your hardware fails you know that your data is safe offsite using cloud storage 
  • Cloud solutions are cost effective – there is no need to worry about buying and maintaining your own server equipment in-house 

Cloud Services From Matrix IT 

As a cloud service provider in Hampshire, we are qualified and experienced to migrate your systems seamlessly to the cloud.  Find out what all the fuss is about and get your business into the cloud now by getting in touch with us. We look forward to discussing your requirements and talking you through the options.

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